Hopfenhof Wachtelhunde

Zwinger "vom Hopfenhof im goldenen Grund" (FCI)



     DWNA 2007

    Es war ein langer Weg, bis die amerikanischen Wachtelhundfreunde einen eigenen Club in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem VDW gründen konnten.

    Da ich die Gründungsmitglieder Dave Pepe und Bill Wright persönlich kennengelernt habe und mit verschiedener Korrespondenz sowie persönlich den Werdegang  lange mitverfolgt und unterstützt habe, u.a. auf der HV Blankenburg, habe ich hier den Bericht über die Vereinsgründung festgehalten und auch übersetzt.

    Club foundation 2007 / 2008

    Greetings from the Deutscher Wachtelhund of North America Club (DWNA).


    I would like to provide a little information on our DWNA Club. Several North American Wachtelhund owners have been working for years to create a Wachtelhund club. Our goal has been to maintain the Wachtelhund breed quality.


    As you know North America is a large land and we have a many obstacles to bring people and Wachtelhunds together in forming a DW Club. We have approximately 400 Wachtelhunds in North America. I personally have imported 35 Wachtelhunds for breeding stock. These have gone to people all over North America, United States and Canada.

    It has been a long process to get to where we are today. I attended the 2000 Sachsen HV and the 2006 VDW HV. At the 2006 VDW HV, the VDW Board agreed that the DWNA club would be established as another lander group under the VDW. This has yet to occur, but that is our goal.

    In 2007, the VDW made a major step forward by providing an English translation of the VDW Satzung and Test Regulations. JGHV and VDW hunt tests are very different from North American hunt tests. Plus many hunting dog owners don't even belong to a formal club or organization.

    In 2007, we created our own Club Charter based on the VDW Satzung, developed and filed Articles of Incorporation in Wisconsin, USA; and received a US Department of the Treasury tax number. So, 2007 is our official date of foundation. We still must submit paper work to become a tax exempt organization. When all is done we will have paid around $400.00 in fees to establish our organization.

    Also in 2007, we conducted a poll of interested members to establish our membership fees. Each of our members, are VDW members. We pay an annual membership fee of $75.00. The VDW 35.00 Euro fee, approximately $54.00 is taken out of our $75.00 fee.

    January 1st, 2008, we started accepting memberships. We currently have 15 members. A small number, but with each week another member joins. The majority have provided a $200.00 founder's fee in addition to the $75.00 membership fee. This is needed to provide working capital to meet our financial needs here in North America.

    This September, we are planning our first annual meeting. Since most of the Wachtelhunds will be older than 18 months and have never been entered in a hunt test, we plan on conducting an EPB test, even though we have no judges. We will use a JGV-USA (Drahthaar Club) judge. This will be an informal EPB, more for training our Wachtelhund owners to VDW hunt test requirements.

    There is still much work to be done. This year we need a VDW translated breeding regulation. A major concern for us is elbow dysplasia in our Wachtelhund population. Several imported Wachtelhunds have had elbow dysplasia. Fortunately, we caught two of them through elbow evaluations, before they were bred. However, Wachtelhunds of one female lineage has been bred considerably during the last ten years. Six offspring of this lineage have been identified having elbow dysplasia. The lack of a formal organization has allowed this to continue and has caused a split between some breeders. Hopefully the DWNA Club will solve some of the breeding problems.

    Eventually, I believe the DWNA Club will be divided into ten regions similar to the JGV-USA club organization.


    Our founding members are:

    Brown, Cliff
    Gerhman, Gary
    Glazier, Kraig
    Gliva, John
    Jafarace, Sal
    Klinnert, Mike
    Pepe, Dave
    Whiting, Randy
    Wright, Bil


    Dave Pepe
    DWNA Acting Chairman